
Through out the month of March, Juxtapoz Magazine and LA based graffiti writer SABER, held a contest via twitter called #Saberspick. Twitter followers were given the opportunity to submit images of their best work for the chance to gain exposure in a future issue of Juxtapoz.

On Monday, Saber posted a list of his top 22 picks on his blog. https://saberone.com/blog/2012/04/17/saberspick-juxtapozmag-contest-via-twitter/

He chose my artwork as his #10 pick on the list, saying “I like his raw painting figurative style that leaves you with a sense of eeriness.”

It’s an awesome feeling to get positive feedback from an artist that I have a lot of respect for. It’s been a big motivator and I couldn’t thank Saber and Juxtapoz enough.

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